
Here are some of my favorite resources:

CLICK Here to go to this Prezi


Prezi is a wonderful way of presenting material. I first saw it when a student used it to present material to me. It is like a Powerpoint on steroids. It zooms in and out and can be shared as a presentation or as a resource.

I’ve used this resource with students and with parents and colleagues. This Educational Philosophies: 7 Different Approaches presentation was designed to help parents find the best fit for their family. When families find an educational philosophy that matches their lifestyle and learning style, it makes it much easier to find a curriculum that works.

CLICK HERE to play this Kahoot!


Kahoots! is an online video quiz game that kids and adults love. I’ve used this resource with both. It is also nice because you can do it live or you can assign it. The kids love it and it makes learning fun.

I used this one for a Personal Finance workshop that I did for students. You can play it yourself if you’d like HERE.

I’ve also created Kahoot quizzes for parents when I want to be sure they have understood the information I have shared but I want to do it in a way that is fun and shares with them different methods of assessing their kids at the same time.


Khan Academy is an amazing resource for students and parents. I used it to help me pass an Econ class I needed to take for a prereq for my teaching credential. My sons have also used it on several occasions in middle and high school. Originally it was just math but Sal Khan has expanded it to many different subjects. For teachers it is a wonderful resources to use to supplement teaching. Many classroom teachers are using it with a flipped classroom approach. I recommend it to parents and students when the parent either needs help themselves with a subject, or when the student wants to do more independent work.

And the best thing is, it is free!

If you’d like to read about Sal Khan’s philosophy, check out his book The One World Schoolhouse.